
About Midwest Sewer Services

Have to upgrade your failing system or need an emergency repair? At Midwest Sewer Services we have the knowledge and expertise to creatively solve even your most challenging problems.

Midwest Sewer Services assists the Minneapolis – St. Paul east metro and surrounding areas. We offer turnkey professional residential, commercial, and municipal sanitary and water services. Our goal is to save you time and money with top quality work.

Owner Brian Humpal will be on-site throughout the construction process. We take pride in being actively involved in projects and ensuring a quality finished product. Brian has over 28 years of expertise with the inspection, troubleshooting, design, and installation of septic systems. Brian is also an active board member with the Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association. mowa-mn.com

Our team has over 50 years of combined experience and our motto is ‘Hire Knowledge.’ We aim to ensure that you only get the best quality work!

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